Blake Shelton Kisses Male Reporter on Red Carpet (Funny Interview!) (VIDEO)
on Feb 03, 2015
During a red carpet interview at the Grammy’s, Blake was interviewed by Chris Van Vliet from Cleveland’s CBS 19.
The interview began with talk about Blake and Miranda walking down the red carpet together and taking photos. Poor Blake felt left out because everyone wanted photographs of Miranda and he was told to move aside! Chris Van Vliet asked Blake what he thought his odds were when it came to winning an award. Blake, as hilarious then as he is now, said:
I will say, that if I don’t win, that I’m going to beat the crap out of maybe one of these little boy bands, somebody that I know is scrawny. I’m not a tough guy, but I figure if it’s one of those kids groups, I’ll beat the crap out of them.
After the interview, Blake and Chris “hug it out”, but then he surprises the lucky man with a big kiss on the forehead! Classic Mr. Shelton, right there.
Watch and enjoy this hilarious red carpet interview!