Luke Bryan’s Music Calms Little Girl With Leukemia (Tear-Jerker!)

Who knew that Luke Bryan‘s songs could be medicine?! Let’s be honest, we all know he’s amazing, but we are completely touched away by his influence on this little girl’s life.

Two-year-old Lyanna Flynn is fighting leukemia, and after seeing this video, it’s pretty clear that Luke’s songs are a huge part of what gets her through each day. This little trooper is one of the strongest little girls we’ve ever seen, and we’re so happy that she can find peace in Luke’s voice.

In the video, Lyanna is hesitant to take her medicine because she says it tastes “yucky“. Her dad reassures her that after she takes her medicine, she can listen to her music. Lyanna acts like a big girl and takes her medicine without a struggle, and she is rewarded with her favorite tune. Luke’s song, “That’s My Kind of Night” brings this little girl the biggest smile we’ve ever seen.

It is amazing to see Luke bringing such joy to this strong girl, without even knowing his impact. But we’re pretty sure if he knew that his music has been her medicine, he’d be all smiles too.

We’re here for you Lyanna! Keep rocking out to Luke!

Check out the video to see this adorable little girl’s reaction to “That’s My Kind Of Night“, and you’ll be glad you did!