Willie & Phil Robertson Share Duck Knowledge with Conan in Funny Interview (WATCH)

In an interview on Conan, Phil and Willie Robertson of Ducky Dynasty showed off their duck knowledge and discussed their rise to the top thanks to the Duck Commander.

Conan O’Brien asked, “So you’re a duck hunter and there was one probably duck call available and you thought there should be better ones, is that right?” Phil, very serious, said, “We are students of the sounds that ducks make.” He went on to invite Conan to the south for some duck hunting lessons and to grow a “three-to-four day Yasser Arafat beard”.

Willie discussed how his father makes the duck calls and he sells them. Phil said one thing in particular that had everyone bent over in laughter. When he’s at airports wearing his camouflage, he always gets pulled to the side to be searched with wands. Phil said, “There puttin’ that wand in places my woman hasn’t been in years.”

This is a must-see interview that y’all don’t want to miss. Check it out!