Simon Cowell Can’t Believe What He Sees When These 5 Old Men Start Dancing
on May 06, 2015

As a judge on several different talent and singing competitions, you’d think Simon Cowell has seen it all. Guess not!
Five older gentlemen walked out on the Britain’s Got Talent stage clad in cardigans. The judges didn’t exactly know what they would be doing until one man revealed the name of their group: Old Men Grooving.
The looks on the judges faces said it all. They weren’t expecting much and all four were ready to hit their buzzer.
Cowell’s eyes rolled the minute the music began playing because he thought he figured these guys out, but, boy, was he wrong. After only a few seconds of the boring song, they switched up the music and Old Men Grooving began, well, grooving!
Each “old man” was able to show off their skills and by the middle of their routine, they had the audience in the palm of their hand. What’s not to love? Their energy is infectious! It’s hard not to smile when watching this performance.
“Whoa!” Cowell says as he gives them a standing ovation, followed by the rest of the judges.
Watch the performance below.