Dolly Parton Hopes Jennifer Aniston Brings Back Original ‘9 to 5’ Cast For Remake

Photo by Chelsea Lauren/Getty Images

If given the chance, Dolly Parton would love to appear in the ‘9 to 5’ remake.

In a recent interview with E! News, Dolly Parton said that she would be on board to make an appearance in the remake of her classic 1980 comedy, which is being produced by Jennifer Aniston. In April, it was confirmed that Aniston’s production company, Echo Films, is leading the 9 to 5 remake, with Oscar-winning screenwriter Diablo Cody on board to write the script.

Parton revealed that she first learned about the reimagined version in 2018 while working with Aniston on the Netflix film Dumplin’. “There was some mention she might want to do 9 to 5, and I said, ‘Oh, that would be great,'” Parton shared with E!.

“I’m hoping they use my song and I’m hoping they might find a way to have Lily, Jane and me come back in,” Parton added.


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The original 1980 film starred Jane Fonda and Lily Tomlin alongside Parton. It portrayed three working women who seek revenge on their sexist boss, played by the late Dabney Coleman. Parton’s title track, “9 to 5,” became one of her most famous songs, earning her an Oscar nomination and two Grammy awards.

When asked about potential actresses for her role in the remake, Parton responded, “I don’t know. Hadn’t thought of that. There are a lot of great young people out there.” When her goddaughter, Miley Cyrus, was suggested, Parton said, “Wouldn’t she be great? Well, she knows me, she knows every mannerism I have.”


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Although it’s uncertain if Dolly will be involved in the remake, it’s impressive how she balances her busy schedule. Recently, she announced that she is bringing her life story to Broadway in an autobiographical musical titled Hello, I’m Dolly.


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Scheduled to hit Broadway in 2026, Hello, I’m Dolly will highlight Parton’s legendary music. She will be responsible for writing the score, co-writing the book, and acting as a producer, according to Deadline. The musical, inspired by her remarkable life and career, takes its title from Parton’s debut studio album, released in 1967.

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