Sheriff Says Miracle Saved Deputy’s Life: “I Saw A Dead Man Come Back To Life”
on Nov 22, 2023 • Updated Jan 15, 2025

Oconee County Sheriff, Mike Crenshaw, revealed details of a powerful story at Westminster First Baptist Church on Sunday (November 19).
On November 16, 2023, Corporal Lucas Watts was hit by gunfire during a vehicle pursuit in Oconee County, South Carolina.
Greenville County Sheriff, Hobart Lewis, called Sheriff Crenshaw from the hospital where he was waiting with other colleagues, “Sheriff, I talked to them, and he ain’t gonna make it. His wounds are not survivable.”
“Just so you all understand the significance of his injuries, I’m not talking about a grazing wound to the head. I’m talking about a bullet to his brain so that you understand just how significant his injury was. I didn’t share that with my folks on the scene, it wasn’t the time,” Sheriff Crenshaw shared with his church.
While the Sheriff was on the scene, he received a phone call from a Lieutenant requesting that he come to the hospital where Watts was taken. He headed to the hospital in Greenville where other Law Enforcement Officers and EMS professionals were waiting for him outside. “Sheriff, we haven’t told the wife. She doesn’t know yet.” Haley, Corporal Watts’ wife, told Sheriff Crenshaw that she needed to see her husband.
“I just need to see him. He’s going to be okay, I just need to see him,” she said. “They carried the wife in and she touches him and he starts moving,” Crenshaw shared. “A tear rolls down his face.”
Watts was immediately rushed into a very high-risk surgery.
“And Lucas makes it through. His vitals are good. At that point I didn’t know it, but social media had blown up, praying, praying, praying,” the Sheriff continued. “Word had gotten out that he was dead. I don’t know if you saw it, but that’s when Hobart and I went across the street to the media to say ‘Hey. He’s not dead. Lucas is in surgery. He’s alive!'”
It was a miracle not only that Watts made it through the surgery, but also that he made it through the night. The following day, Friday, Corporal Watts started responding to verbal commands according to Crenshaw.
“Folks, I’m here to tell you from the time he got shot to the time his wife touched him, had to be two-and-half, three hours,” Crenshaw revealed. “I saw a dead man come back to life… because of God, and because of intervening prayer, I really believe.”
As of today, November 22, Watts is still in stable but critical condition. With the approval of Watts’ wife, Haley, Sheriff Crenshaw set up a support fund for their family.
Click HERE to give.
“I don’t know what tomorrow holds, but I’m telling you, God performed a miracle Thursday night in Greenville, South Carolina. I’ve got no doubt in my mind.”
Watch the video below to hear the powerful story.