Jase and Missy Robertson Talk About Mia’s Early Complications
on Jun 02, 2015

We have all come to know and love Mia Robertson for her infectious smile and great attitude and we have all watched her positive attitude in regards to her cleft palate. Her parents, Jase and Missy, sat down to talk about her medical complications and how they stay so strong for the beautiful Mia.
Missy and Jase already had sons Reed and Cole, but were trying for another baby. It took a year to get pregnant and nine weeks into the pregnancy, Missy miscarried. Due to not receiving rhogam after she miscarried and getting pregnant just three months later, they were told there was a 1% chance the baby would live. The goal was to get the baby to 26 weeks and deliver her premature.
Jase said they, “put the family in God’s hands.” During the pregnancy, they learned the baby was growing normally and the family was so thankful. They went in for the 31 week 4D ultra-sound and couldn’t wait to see their baby’s face. The doctor’s noticed her cleft lip and were unsure if she had a cleft palate.
When she was born, she struggled to breath and doctors took over right away. Jase left the delivery room to pray and beg God to let his beautiful new daughter live. As we all know, Mia was a fighter and she made it through that first day.
Jase and Missy recount the scary and emotional doctor’s visits with specialists who were trying to help Mia with her cleft palate. They describe how they struggled with the early days of raising Mia and how the Robertson women have helped Missy stay strong. As Mia grew up, they understood why God put this upon them. They all want to help educate people about Mia’s condition and other kids just like her, which is why they started the foundation “Mia Moo.” Mia never complains, loves life, and is very active!
Watch the emotional and inspirational video below!