250 Amish Men Carry Entire Barn 150 Feet To New Location
on Feb 25, 2020 • Updated Jan 15, 2025

The Amish are known for being a tight-knit community who lean on each other, but what happened on March 9, 2019, in northern Knox County, Ohio takes the notion of depending on one another to a new level.
Approximately 250 Amish men stood shoulder to shoulder and moved an entire barn 150 feet to a new location. When they reached the area where the barn needed to be set down, they moved as a group to rotate the barn into the correct position.
As the men get the barn to its new location, women can be seen flocking front and center in the video. The video captures their excitement at the men moving the barn quickly and correctly. The women rejoice as the barn is set down in its new resting place.
It’s hard to say how often Amish people show such incredible feats of teamwork, as they are reluctant to use new technology, such as cell phones and video cameras. Amish people are numerous in the Ohio, Indiana, and Pennsylvania areas, and tend to keep to themselves in small farming communities.
This astonishing feat took place at the farm of Joseph Hochstetler, a member of the Amish community.