4 Clydesdales Pull Semi Truck Out Of Snowy Embankment
on Dec 01, 2022 • Updated Jan 15, 2025

Getting your car stuck in the snow is the worst and the deeper the snow is, plus the heavier the vehicle is, the worse a situation can be.
One semi-truck driver found that out the hard way when he found himself in a very unfavorable situation when he tried to pull his truck and trailer out onto a snow-packed icy road and got stuck.
From the footage, it appears the driver may have slid on the icy road and went a little too far, making it into a snowy bank that had a couple of feet of snow locking him into place.
Fortunately for this driver, there was a farmer in the area who had four Clydesdale horses he brought over to the scene and was offering to pull him out of his predicament.
The man hooked his horses to the truck and when the moment was right, he can be seen in the video instructing his trusty steeds to use their power, strength, and endurance to press forward and tug on the vehicle.
Without fail and with the combined power of the Clydesdales, they were able to drag the truck out of the snowy bank and back out onto the road so that the driver could get back to work and continue his journey.
It’s really a reminder of how beautiful and magnificent these creatures are.