A Person’s Favorite Type Of Beer Reveals Their Personality, Study Finds
on Jan 23, 2019 • Updated Jan 15, 2025

Alcohol has been bringing personality to parties for decades. While every individual has their own opinions of which liquor is the best, recent research shows that your drink of choice might just reveal your personality too. To keep things simple, we’ll start with America’s favorite way to loosen up: Beer.
A Beer Drinkin’ Difference
In 2018, A Michigan brewery, Founders Brewing Company, conducted a survey through OnePoll of 1,000 beer drinkers that revealed some interesting statistics. The research focused on two popular types of beer – lagers and ales – to determine what different personality types and hobbies are associated with the people who drink them. For background, lagers are lighter and less hoppy, while ales tend to be more full and heavier.
Aside from their taste, it turns out that your preferred beer might play more into your personality than meets the eye.
Work Hard, Play Harder
Lager drinkers tend to be more extroverted, where their Saturday nights involve going out on the town with friends. While, in contrast, ale drinkers prefer spending the night in on the couch with a good movie. Surprisingly, ale drinkers were actually found to be the bigger flirts of the study though. Contrary to their preference for staying in, they like the attention.
Another intriguing finding was that lager drinkers reported higher stress levels as they spend more time worried about their futures. Similarly, the survey also found that lager drinkers are more likely to be hard workers and show up to work on time.
This isn’t to be assumed that ale drinkers don’t feel content in their careers though. The study found that ale drinkers are satisfied with their jobs, but do tend to be more easily frustrated and intimidated by their fellow lager drinking friends.
Tieing in with their jobs, it was found that lager drinkers actually tended to earn a lower salary – an average of about $38,000 – while ale preferrers make about $41,000.
One thing these two counterparts did have in common though was sticking with their preferred beer for longevity. The average beer drinker hasn’t switched up their favorite beer in over four years and 36% of drinkers admitted to being intimidated by craft beers.
Now that personality plays a factor, you’re probably wondering when it’s time for your next sip. Well, the study also found the perfect time of day to drink a beer! Turns out, 6:31 on a Friday is the new 5 o’clock.