Bear Steals 36 Beers From Campers, Gets Drunk & Passes Out Until Rangers Come
on Jun 04, 2019 • Updated Apr 07, 2023

Bear Steals 36 Beers From Campers
According to the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife, a black bear was found passed out on the lawn of the Swift Creek Campground due to drinking a 36-pack of beers.
Apparently, some campers were away from their tents, maybe going on a hike or swim and while they were gone, this backwoods bandit bear snuck into their campsite and opened up their cooler full of cold brews.
The evidence was discovered after they found the bear passed out with a trail of empty beer cans leading back to the campsite. A total of 36 cans were found with bite marks and bear claw punctures in them.
Bear Only Has Taste For One Beer
What’s even funnier about the situation is the bear was only interested in a specific type of beer called Rainier Beer. When investigating the scene it was found the bear opened one Busch Beer and apparently didn’t like it because he left the rest of them untouched. However, he drank all of the Rainier Beer.
“He drank the Rainier and wouldn’t drink the Busch beer,” said Lisa Broxson, bookkeeper at the campground.
When the park officials tried to chase it away from the campground the bear was stumbling so bad it couldn’t walk straight and climbed a tree to take a nap. Several hours later it woke up and park rangers were able to safely remove the bear.
Bear Returns The Next Day
However, the bear had such a good time it showed back up the very next day for round two with another camper’s cooler of beers. Though this time the wildlife officials were prepared and set a trap that safely captured the bear again by luring him in with donuts, honey and of course… two open cans of Rainier Beer.
The bear was relocated for the second time and the story went viral on social media. Although no video was ever taken of this bear, below is a video of what it might have looked like.