You Won’t Believe What Happens When This Guy Tries To Teach Willie About Duck Hunting!
on Mar 04, 2016

Willie Robertson is a very successful businessman, husband, father, and now…comedian?!
The Duck Commander CEO made an appearance on famed improv show “Whose Line Is It Anyway” and it was everything you’d think it would be – hilarious!
He played a game called “Helping Hands” with actor/comedians Ryan Stiles and Colin Mochrie.
In “Helping Hands” Ryan ironically “taught” the star of Duck Dynasty how to hunt ducks, but his hands will be behind his back, and Colin will be his hands.
“Before I go duck hunting, I like to lay out a table of food,” Ryan said with a chuckle.
The table was filled with donuts, sugar, beer, eggs, plants and guns. Ryan handed Willie a beer and Colin managed to shake Ryan’s up before they opened them!
Colin then handed Willie a gun, and Ryan said, “I want you to start off with a smaller gun.“
“But we just drank,” Willie said with concern. Safety first!
Willie demonstrated how to use a duck call, which Ryan/Colin did not do well.
The skit ended with Ryan eating a hardboiled egg, chasing it with a beer, and trying to use the duck call immediately after!
Watch the hilarious “Helping Hands” skit below.