Jase Robertson’s Father-In-Law Goes Hunting And Makes UNBELIEVABLE Mistake
on Apr 01, 2016

In a recent episode of Duck Dynasty, Missy and Jase Robertson were surprised by an unexpected visit from Missy’s parents.
Since her parents retired from their jobs, they have been traveling the country in their RV and decided to stop by Jase and Missy’s house, unannounced.
Missy’s father, Larry, tells Jase that he wants to go hunting, and since Jase loves hunting, he agrees to take him. It isn’t duck season, so Jase and the guys took Larry quail hunting, which he’s never done before!
At the beginning of the clip, Larry tells Jase he hasn’t hunted in about 50 years, so Jase goes over some basic hunting procedures to refresh his memory.
The first lesson is about the safety on their guns. Jase clearly explains that when the red dot is showing, the gun is “hot”, or ready to shoot, and when the red dot is covered, the safety is on, meaning the gun will not shoot.
Jase and Larry are ready to hunt, but Larry won’t be quiet! He’s too excited.
“Oh, Jase, this is so exciting! They’re in there, Jase, they gotta be in there!” Larry says, a bit too loud.
“Larry isn’t the easiest person to hunt with,” Jase says in a confessional. “Because he’s loud!”
Finally, the quail are ready to hunt, so Larry and Jase point their guns and shoot! Jase shoots the quail, but Larry’s gun didn’t shoot and he doesn’t understand why.
After a quick look, Jase tells him his safety was on and Larry is in disbelief!
“I was this close of being with you when you shot your first quail,” he says.
Watch the hilarious clip below!