11-Year-Old Fiddler Takes The Stage & Blows Crowd Away With Extraordinary Talent
on Apr 12, 2016

When it comes to country music, nothing beats the sound of a good fiddle. That’s something that 11-year-old Carson Peters knows well, since he’s already been playing the fiddle for over half of his life, earning him the nickname “Fiddlin’ Carson Peters.”
Carson has been playing the fiddle since he was three years old, and has developed a large following over the years. His talent has taken him all over the country, and even brought him all the way to the legendary Grand Ole Opry stage.
Recently, Carson got the chance to show off his talent in front of his biggest audience yet, when he appeared on the popular new television show called Little Big Shots. The show is a children’s talent competition which is co-produced by Ellen DeGeneres and Steve Harvey. It’s been a big hit with viewers so far, and has already been renewed for a second season.
The success of Little Big Shots is due to the talented kids it features on the show, including Carson. Prior to his performance, Carson sat down for an interview with Steve, who as a country boy himself, was easily able to connect with the young fiddler.
Steve was curious to know if Carson gets a lot of attention from girls because of his talent, and although he acted embarassed at first, he eventually came up with the perfect response.
“I have a rule. If you start dating, you should probably be able to pick her up in your own car,” he said, prompting a great deal of laughter from the crowd.
But soon enough, Carson was generating loud rounds of applause from the audience instead, who couldn’t believe their ears when he started playing and singing the classic bluegrass song “Blue Moon Over Kentucky.”
Words can’t even begin to describe the extraordinary showcase of talent that occurred when Carson took the stage. So why don’t you check out his performance for yourself in the video below, along with a clip of his interview with Steve.
Since Carson is already such a big star, we can’t wait to see what the future has in store for him!