The Inspiring Way Missy Robertson Is Rescuing Women From Sex Trafficking
on May 05, 2016

A couple months ago, Duck Dynasty star Missy Robertson revealed she had been working on a new jewelry line.
Lamanin by Missy Robertson is a high-quality jewelry line and she is doing more than just designing and making jewelry. Her jewelry line employs women who have been homeless, trafficked, or are in need and trying to turn their lives around.
“These are women that…have had very tumultuous backgrounds,” Robertson said in an interview with The Church Boys podcast. “Whether it is because of their own choices or whether they have been victims of someone else’s bad choices.”
Robertson opened up The Lamanin House in her hometown of West Monroe, Louisiana to help these at-risk women.
She was inspired to name the company Lamanin because of a sermon given by Louie Gigilo, explaining that “lamanin” is a molecular protein which holds everything in our bodies together.
“This particular protein, if looked through a microscope is in the exact shape of the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ,” she adds.
Robertson first launched the jewelry line, then was approached by the head of Project 41, an organization that helps fight sex trafficking, who said “that there were a few women in need of employment.”
Robertson offered employment at Lamanin, which launched her new company’s other purpose: helping women improve their lives, find God, and turn their lives around.
“It’s a business, but it’s also a way to minister to women who need it,” she said. “It’s been really neat to see some of the transformation of these women.”
Listen to Robertson talk about Lamanin by Missy Robertson below.