12 Years Later, Missy And Korie Robertson Recreate Special Family Photo
on May 25, 2016

It’s no surprise to Duck Dynasty fans that the Robertson family is extremely close. They all live in the same town and all the brothers work together.
The brothers’ closeness has helped their wives to form their own bonds. Korie and Missy are especially close because they were pregnant at the same time, having Sadie and Cole just six months apart from each other.
Last week, Cole and Sadie graduated high school and the moms decided to recreate a photo they took at the kids’ Kindergarten graduation.
In the Kindergarten picture, Missy and Korie and kneeling down so they’re at the same height as their children, who were wearing yellow graduation gowns and caps.
Right after the high school graduation, the moms got back down to knee level to recreate the sweet picture, down to the hand placement!
2004 Kindergarten Photo
Photo credit: Facebook/Missy West Robertson
2016 High School Graduation
Photo credit: Facebook/Missy West Robertson
What a creative way to commemorate the occasion!