The Way Chris Stapleton Introduces His Wife, Morgane, On Stage Will Make Your Heart Melt
on Jun 13, 2016

If you’ve ever been to a concert, you know that a highlight of the night is when the backing band in introduced. They get a chance to show off a bit and definitely deserve the recognition from fans!
They are hardly ever (if at all) in the spotlight, but they work just as hard as the main artist, so it’s nice for them to be recognized by the adoring fans.
Chris Stapleton makes this part of his show unique by singing the entire introduction.
He soulfully introduces each member of his band with a witty lyric about each one of them. The best moment of all, was when it was time to introduce his wife and singing partner, Morgane.
“Last but not least, she’s my lovely, lovely, lovely, lovely, lovely, lovely wife. She’s the love of my life,” he sings. “She’s comin’ to you straight outta Georgia. Honey, I love you. Let me have a big Nashville for Miss Morgane.”
She was blushing and smiling the whole time, as we were giddy like school children watching a man profess his love for his crush!
Watch the adorable moment below!