Senior Citizens Adorably Use Computers For The First Time
on Jun 05, 2015

When someone stands in front of a room full of people and asks “How many of you have used a computer?” and no one raises their hand? That’s rare! This particular room was full of senior citizens. They are told they will have teenage volunteers that will teach them how to use a computer and the internet.
Some comments that come from these adorable seniors are “Could you explain Face…something and having to be a friend?” “I’m typing in” and “I’ve heard of YouTube but I have no clue as to what it means.”
The generation gap between these seniors and teenagers couldn’t be wider, but everyone is putting their best foot forward! The seniors seem so clueless, but t’s just because they haven’t had a chance to learn about new technology. The teens are going to teach the seniors how to use Facebook, YouTube, Email, and how technology actually might bring them closer to their family.
Their program put a challenge upon them to make a YouTube video and whoever gets the most views or likes, wins! We see them experiencing Facebook Chat for the first time and exploring Facetime and Skype. A few of them realize this is a new way to see their family, which changes everything.
One gentleman even said, “No matter how old we are, we need a purpose for getting up in the morning” They are learning slowly, but they sure look like they are enjoying themselves!
Watch the trailer for the documentary Cyber-Seniors below and be ready to smile from ear to ear! We can’t wait to see the whole movie!