Eric Church Performs Emotional New Song About His Relationship With His Son
on Aug 03, 2015

While performing in Nashville, TN, Eric Church decided to tell a little story about his three year old son and their fishing adventure that went a little wrong. It started all good like any normal fishing trip when suddenly, it took a turn for the worse as his son began to throw everything into the water.
“I did not know that a fishing pool sank faster than a tackle box.”
This story is what inspired his song “3 Year Olds“, a song about his own three year old son. This song is just as funny as his story, but along with the humor there is a serious note to the song of a parents life. The lessons you learn from your children are some of the best lessons you will ever learn in your life, and Eric definitely is showcasing all he’s learned from his son and how happy he is to have learned those lessons.
“Yea, Honey, I learned that from our three year old.”
Such an amazing song, that every parent will understand, it’s one of Eric’s better songs and hearing him perform it live brings emotion to it that could never be translated through a simple recording.
Check out the video below, and be ready to smile.