Willie Robertson Breaks Down In Emotional Toast At John Luke’s Wedding
on Aug 26, 2015

Who knew Boss Hog had this many emotions?! Willie Robertson, known as CEO of Duck Commander, puts on a tough guy front, but now we all know he is a big softy!
His son, John Luke, got married at the beginning of the summer, and the wedding (along with the planning) was aired in a special episode of Duck Dynasty recently.
John Luke’s new wife, Mary Kate, knew what she was getting herself into when she started dating John Luke. The Robertson family’s crazy hijinks, many personalities, and loving nature might be a lot to deal with, but Mary Kate embraces them all, and the entire family loves her for it!
In this video, some of the best parts of the wedding episode are shown. Probably one of the best parts is when Willie is giving a speech at the rehearsal dinner.
Willie says, “I’m super excited about John Luke and Mary Kate’s upcoming wedding. It’s insane to think that we have children that are getting married.” He has to pause, because his emotions are getting the best of him. He goes on saying, “I’ve committed to not crying tomorrow so…”
With a little chuckle from the rest of the family to help him continue, Willie finishes his speech through his tears. Korie also makes a toast, which is a little funnier than Willie’s, but he really stole the show.
It’s so sweet to watch Willie be so proud of the man John Luke has become and send him off on the next chapter of his life with his new wife.
Watch the touching video below.