Little Girl Steals The Show When She Dances Better Than The Professionals Around Her (Adorable!)

Audrey Nethery is a six-year-old little girl from Kentucky who has found a love for Zumba. But her passion for dance isn’t the only thing that makes her special, Audrey is fighting a life-threatening disease known as Diamond-Blackfan Anemia (DBA). DBA is a bone marrow disease which results in the lack of red blood cells in the body. Those blood cells are responsible for carrying oxygen to the rest of the body and by not recieving them, a person will easily feel fatigued and tired.

When Zumba caught wind of little Audrey, they invited her to open the International Zumba Convention with her local instructors and some of the best Zumba dancers in the Zumba community. They wanted her to come dance with the best of Zumba, to raise awareness for the disease and to help rally others behind finding a cure for DBA. 

Despite her illness, Audrey shows no signs of slowing down when she begins to dance. With her own YouTube channel run by her father, Scott Nethery, she is trying to raise awareness for the disease and the different treatments. She is dancing and singing her way to finding a cure for DBA, and this video is a result after a lot of hard work. Audrey will definitely steal your heart with her awesome dance moves and make you want to help!

Check out her awesome moves below.