Luke Bryan’s Children React To Their New Blended Family
on Sep 17, 2015

With the recent kick off of his new album, Kill the Lights, and his “Kick The Dust Up Tour”, Luke Bryan is busier than ever.
But no matter where fame takes him, Luke always finds time for the most important things in his life: his family.
Luke has been through more tragedy than most of us can imagine. In 1996 he lost his brother in a car accident, and in 2007 his sister suddenly passed away. But earlier this year, the unthinkable happened, when Luke’s brother-in-law passed away and left his nieces and nephew parentless.
It didn’t take long for Luke and his wife to make the decision to adopt his sister’s youngest son, Til (whose sister’s are legal adults).
Luke and his wife have two children, Bo and Tate, and adding one more to the family was definitely a big change for everyone. In an interview with PEOPLE, Luke opened up about his new blended family, and how the kids are taking it. He said,
Bo went from being kind of the alpha male to being the middle child, but he takes it in stride. It’s been amazing watching them do so well with it. They treat Til like their brother, and Til does the same. And that’s what’s funny, is Til went from being the baby of his family to being the oldest. It’s definitely been a social experiment.
Along with everyone taking different roles in the house, Luke also noticed that his two boys are becoming more athletic! He said, “They’re becoming better athletes ’cause Til gets to play with them. When I come home, they’re throwing the baseball a little farther and hitting the ball a little harder. I know that’s ’cause Til’s been out in the yard with them.”
But above all, Luke keeps his faith and keeps his spirits up. He reflected on the situation and said,
I think with everything that’s happened in my family, I just have to lean on my faith and the understanding that God has a plan for all of us. We just wake up every day and do our best.
We wish your family the best Luke!
In the video below, Luke reflects on the passing of his siblings with his chart-topping single, “Drink A Beer“. Check out the emotional live performance.