80-Year-Old Texas Man Has A Unique Way Of Entertaining Rescued Dogs

Eugene Bostick has a heart the size of Texas.

The 80-year-old retiree from Fort Worth has an unusual, but adorable pastime. He loves to take his dogs, all rescued strays, on rides on his homemade “dog train.” 

In an interview with animal-lover blog The Dodo, Bostick said that he lives on a dead-end street, so lots of people will drive down there to drop of their unwanted dogs. Bostick couldn’t stand seeing the dogs abandoned, so he took them in to his own home.

He used to take the dogs on rides with his tractor, sometimes loading as many as four or five dogs on board at once.

But after awhile, Bostick said that he simply had too many dogs to be able to take them all for rides on the tractor at the same time. He knew he needed to come up with a plan so that all of his dogs could continue to enjoy the rides they loved so much.

Bostick recalls how he eventually came up with the idea to build the dog train:

“One day I was out and I seen this guy with a tractor who attached these carts to pull rocks. I thought, ‘Dang, that would do for a dog train.’ I’m a pretty good welder, so I took these plastic barrels with holes cut in them, and put wheels under them and tied them together.”

Bostick and his dog train have become so popular with the locals that he is occasionally stopped for pictures while out on his rides. 

Now Bostick has rescued a total of nine dogs, and all of them go on a ride on the dog train once or twice a week.

Whenever they hear me hooking the tractor up to it, man, they get so excited,” said Bostick. They all come running and jump in on their own. They’re ready to go.” 

Watching the video below, it’s clear from all the excited barking and tail-wagging that Bostick’s dogs have a blast every time they ride on the dog train.