7 Outrageous Scandals That Rocked Classic Country Music
on Nov 28, 2017

5. Loretta Lynn’s Sassy Lyrics
One of the front-running pioneers of women in country music, Loretta Lynn was never afraid to sing about what was on her mind, but back in the 60s and 70s that got her into a bit of hot water!
Singing about divorce, birth control, and other touchy subjects saw mixed reviews, bans from radio stations, and contracts that forbade her to sing it during certain performances.
“The Pill” was one of the most controversial songs she ever penned and had lines about miniskirts, hot pants, and a few fancy frills.
Other songs of hers saw her get banned from singing them on the stage of the Grand Ole Opry, NBC Radio, and many more.
Today, we honor her by listening to all of her music and appreciating her talent as a songwriter, singer, and women’s rights activist!