Top 15 Brilliant Redneck Inventions That You’ll Race To Patent Yourself!
on Oct 30, 2015

Admit it, we’ve all tried a DIY solution for something when we didn’t have exactly what we needed. Some classics include using a hair straightener as a clothes iron, or using duct tape on anything. At times, these inventions work, and other times they fail.
But the true masters of DIY inventions are rednecks, who go above and beyond the simple use of duct tape to produce some of the most brilliant inventions you could think of.
Here’s our list of the top 15 best, and most hilarious, redneck inventions!
1. Redneck toilet, complete with cushioned seat.
Photo via imgur/mnm1969
2. Sticking with the bathroom theme, the redneck shower head.
Photo via Troublemakers
3. Missing car seat? No problem! A simple lawn chair will work just fine!
Photo via Everyday Family
4. Or if you’d rather travel in style, why not hitch a ride in the redneck limo?
Photo via reddit/mangletron
5. Or, you could also get around in your redneck pontoon boat.
Photo via via reddit/Jtree25
6. For something a little bit more luxurious, the redneck house boat is just right.
Photo via via imgur/recre8
7. Ever lose your rowing paddle? Well don’t worry, there’s a redneck solution for that!
Photo via imgur/HereCometheBeats
8. Need somewhere to keep your fishing tackle? Find that old squirrel skin you have tucked away somewhere!
Photo via Thumbpress
9. After a long day partying on the lake, everyone needs a good workout.
Photo via Troublemakers
10. Then after your workout, you can sit back and relax in the redneck hot tub. Just stay away from the fire pit!
Photo via Sarcastic Sarcasms
11. Later when you stop by to visit your mama, make sure to “ring” the doorbell.
Photo via Sarcastic Sarcasams
12. Don’t be afraid if you set off the security system on your way in!
Photo via imgur/GMYB
13. While you’re there, you’ll be tempted to play on your old childhood slide.
Photo via imgur/eatswithmonkeys
14. Then you look up at the clock, and realize it’s dinnertime!
Photo via Bro My God
15. Then finally, at the end of the day, you get to enjoy some good, homemade, redneck rotisserie.
Photo via imgur/cushdog95
What do you think? Which of these redneck inventions was your favorite?