Glen Campbell’s Daughter Shares Touching Family Memories In ‘Remembering’
on Nov 09, 2015

When Ashley Campbell wrote the song “Remembering”, she had one person in mind. Watching her father, Glen Campbell go through Alzheimers has weighed heavily on her and her family. In an exclusive behind the scenes video for “Remembering”, Ashley shared the memories that accompanied her through the process of creating the touching tribute to her father.
It hasn’t been an easy road watching her father struggle with disease. She admits that the song isn’t always easy to sing, but remains very composed throughout the video. With actual home movie footage playing, and a scene spent looking at an old family photo album, you can’t help becoming sentimental.
When asked by The Boot if “Remembering” is difficult to perform, she responded,
“There are some times it still gets me — like when I hear someone in the crowd start to sniffle or wipe their eyes, I get a little emotional, and I have to keep it together.”
On her latest album, Ashley has written every song. She said it was important to her as an artist, and stems from loving artists who are also songwriters. Everything is written in “her voice” and she wanted to sing it that way.
Watching the stages of Alzheimers hasn’t been easy for Ashley. She and her family do what they can to keep Glen comfortable and happy. She said that saying a slow goodbye is the hardest part of the entire process.
“It’s a very slow goodbye. And what kills me is knowing what’s coming and also knowing that, when I do have to say goodbye, that it’s going to hit me just as hard as if I had to say goodbye suddenly — maybe even worse, I don’t know.”
Watch Ashley’s emotional music video for “Remembering” below.