90s Country Star Performs National Anthem Before Historic World Series Game
on Oct 30, 2017

Another country star has stepped up to the plate to deliver a performance of The National Anthem before one of the most historic games Major League Baseball has ever seen.
Brad Paisley sang in front of over 50,000 fans before Game 2 of the World Series between the Los Angeles Dodgers and the Houston Astros, and Clay Walker, a native Houstonian did the honors on Sunday night prior to Game 5.
“Our National Anthem is the greatest song on Earth. The honor that I feel for even being asked to sing it is — there are no words for it,” Walker told MLB before his performance. “Knowing that, what all our city has been through, and knowing that we get a chance tonight to represent Major League Baseball on the biggest stage, to the world … It’s my honor to stand there with my hand over my heart, my hat in my hand.”
The Astros won in the 10th inning after a long battle, five hours and seventeen minutes to be exact, which became the second longest game in World Series history. Three-run deficits were overcome three times in a wild game that had fans from both teams on an emotional roller coaster.
The Dodgers led 4-0 in the first inning and were tied up the next inning. Houston then went up 7-4, with Los Angeles catching up not long after. The Astros went up again 12-9, with the Dodgers catching up 12-12 in the 9th, forcing extra innings.
Taking off his signature black cowboy hat and placing it over his heart, Walker made country fans, Houston, and baseball fans proud with his patriotic performance.
Watch Walker kick off the wild and historic game in the video below.