Girl Wakes Up From Surgery To Find Out A Shocking Discovery About Luke Bryan

Filming your kids after they’ve been drugged for a medical procedure is apparently Internet GOLD.

A young girl named Francis went under anesthesia to get her pesky wisdom teeth removed and when she woke up, she was an emotional wreck. 

She thought she missed her chance to see Luke Bryan in concert and started crying. Her mom tried to reassure her that the concert hadn’t happened yet, but Francis didn’t believe her!

While she was in a delicate emotional state, not only did she think that she missed the concert, she was also convinced that Luke Bryan would be mad at her!

I was supposed to go to the concert with you, but I didn’t go,” she tells her mom, with tears rolling down her face. “And Luke is gonna be mad, I let him down.

Poor girl. She was a wreck! Francis, if we missed his concert, we’d cry too!

After much convincing, Francis finally came to terms that Luke isn’t mad at her, and going to the concert was still a reality for her.

Watch the hysterical video below!