Alabama Woman Catches Monster Catfish With Nothing But Her Bare Hands

Fishing…it’s a favorite pastime of many. But sometimes it can get boring to just sit there and wait for a bite on the line. 

For those who enjoy doing things to the extreme, there’s a more intense method of fishing sure to give you the thrill you desire. Called “noodling,” the practice is popular in the South. 

The way noodling works is that a person dives into a catfish hole and catches a fish using nothing but their bare hands and arms. Since catfish can grow to be quite large, it is sometimes a challenge to bring them up to the surface.

But one Southern gal named Hannah had absolutely no trouble when she caught a monster catfish while noodling in Alabama. Her friends captured her catch on video, and although the clip is only a minute long, it’s quite exciting to watch.

Hannah dove head first into the catfish hole, and it seemed like decades passed before she surfaced. When she eventually came out of the water she had a massive catfish hooked on to her arm, and was absolutely thrilled.

Although the fish wiggled and tried to get away, Hannah managed to keep it under control. You can watch the clip of Hannah’s great catch below. She’ll show you how noodling is done!

What about you, would you (literally) try your hand at noodling?