Fearless Southern Teen Catches Massive Catfish With Her Bare Hands
on Jun 12, 2017

Badass Alabama-native proves you should never underestimate a southern girl after catching a massive catfish with her bare hands. While the young woman may be small, she gives burly fishermen a run for their money when she tackles a 30-pound catfish wearing nothing but shorts and a bikini top.
19-year-old Hannah Barron received attention from the media after a video of her taking down the large fish from Lay Lake in Alabama went viral. The young girl dove down deep into the water before surfacing with a giant catfish, her arm deep inside the fish’s stomach.
“Hunting, fishing and just being outdoors is in my blood,” Barron said according to Al.com. “It is always what I loved. It was what I was born into. I wouldn’t have it any other way. My family has always been that way.”
The talented woman has been fishing much of her life, once catching a 50-pound flathead that she says bit her stomach during the fight. Noodling, the act of catching a catfish with your bare hands, is a dangerous practice, but the young woman makes it look like a walk in the park.
You can watch the mind-blowing video below.