Blake Shelton Look-Alike Tricks Fans & Security At The Real Blake Shelton’s Concert
on Sep 26, 2016

Almost everyone has been told at some point in time that have traits that make them look like a certain celebrity. Few however, look enough like a celebrity to be deemed a doppelganger. Except, there is one man out there who looks an awful lot like Blake Shelton.
On Saturday (September 24), the real-life Shelton was performing at a concert in Fargo, North Dakota. Hearing that Shelton was in town, his local look-alike by the name of Andrew Dahlen decided to have a little fun at the concert.
Knowing that he looks like Shelton, Dahlen dressed up like him and made his way to the concert. In a detailed post he shared on Facebook about his night, he said he was bombarded by fans who thought he was actually Shelton.
“People were swarming around me with their phones in-hand snapping photos of me,” Dahlen wrote. “Groups of girls erupted into screaming frenzies – it’s Blake! Some posed for selfies and they were honestly trembling.“
After meeting with a bunch of excited fans, Dahlen decided to see how far he’d be able to get based off of his look-alike status. As he continued his story, he revealed that he was easily able to make his way backstage, and that the concert staff and security didn’t ask any questions:
“Without a floor ticket I walked unquestioned onto the main floor and continued to stage right…About eight security/Fargo Dome staff let me pass without question…A guy in a red shirt and a headset ran up to me and escorted me back stage. He walked ahead of me gesturing to others in the hall to move aside. About 20 people followed his instructions respectfully moving to the side and giving me acknowledging head nods.”
After he enjoyed some food from the buffet and hung out backstage for a little while, a security guard finally saw through Dahlen’s guise and told him to leave. Dahlen went back to his seat without pushing his luck any further, but was still approached by fans who wanted pictures.
See Dahlen’s full post along with some photos below.
What a story! Let us know, would you have been fooled into thinking that Dahlen was Shelton if you saw him at the concert? He really does look a lot like him!