Brennley Brown and Rascal Flatts Leave Audience Speechless With Thrilling Performance
on May 24, 2017

Country music group Rascal Flatts had audience members of The Voice falling in love when their incredible vocals and doting lyrics. Teaming up with contestant Brennley Brown, Gary Levox kicked off the band’s newest song “Yours If You Want It” with a vibrant start that revved up his crowd and sent the venue’s energy skyrocketing!
Brown soon joined the country singer, lending her sweet vocals to harmonize with the star’s as they vibrantly sang, “And every bit of love left in this beat up, banged up, scarred up heart/ That’s been waitin’ on a girl like you/ I know it ain’t much, but it comes alive with every touch/ Every kiss already feels like you own it/ Baby, it’s yours if you want it.”
The thrilling performance was an experience fit for the show’s finale, sending fans into a roaring ovation as they praised the country talents. Brennley was essentially given the third place title, giving her praise and pride to the season’s deserving winner Chris Blue.
You can experience a bit of the magic below by checking out the video below!