Bride & Groom Pull Off Ultimate Surprise With ‘Footloose’ Wedding Dance

YouTube/Blue Kite Cinema

When the music stopped halfway through their slow dance, the guests NEVER expected what came next…

Youtube / Blue Kite Cinema

Michael and Jerusha had planned the perfect wedding for a magical day of celebration with their closest friends and their beloved family. Everything was amazing – sparkling in the beautiful California sunshine and backed by a clear blue skyline.

As these two newlyweds took to the dance floor for their very first dance as husband and wife, they take each other by the hand and dance gracefully to a gorgeous sweet and slow song.

About halfway through the number, Michael dips Jerusha and the music just cuts out. Her face washes over with confusion and they stand up looking baffled by what just happened. All of their guests are equally as confused and downright shocked.

Youtube / Blue Kite Cinema

But, as Michael approaches the DJ booth, things start to take a turn…

In an instant, both husband and wife snap around to face the attendees – Michael donning a cowboy hat he had stashed at the DJ booth and Jerusha lifting up her dress to show off her hidden boots!

With that, the two immediately burst into an amazing choreographed dance to the cult classic hit, “Footloose” and the crowd roars to life with cheers!

Watch this amazing surprise wedding dance to everyone’s favorite dancing song below!

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