Country Singer Leaps Into Crowd To Save Woman Being Hurt

The lead singer of this country group was fearless when he realized someone needed help in the crowd and literally leapt into action. 

After taking the stage during a performance in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada on Wednesday night (March, 8th 2017), Jaren Johnston spotted a couple of people in the front of the stage getting too rough with one another and decided he needed to do something about it. 

Johnston, lead singer of the hot country group The Cadillac Three, warned the pair to cut it out, but that didn’t do much to stop them. 

“Hey, guys, chill, chill, chill, chill, chill, chill, chill, chill, chill. It’s called “Peace, Love & Dixie,” c’mon, man,” He said into the microphone, referencing a title to one of their popular songs. “Dude, you hit that girl again, I’m comin’ in, son!”

Refusing to heed his warning, the couple kept at it and the man struck the woman again, prompting Johnston to throw his guitar off his shoulder and jump right off the front of the stage. He was able to break up the altercation and rescue the woman, but Johnston suffered a devastating loss in the aftermath. 

“To the [expletive] I had to jump in the crowd and choke out for hitting a girl in Vancouver…you owe me a new guitar,” Johnston wrote on his personal Instagram page along with a photo of the broken instrument. 

Right now, The Cadillac Three are continuing on their Black Roses Tour, and will be until their last show on March 17th. 

We are glad that Johnston was able to break this up and nobody was seriously injured in the crowd. 

Watch the video of him leaping from the stage and throwing his guitar down to help the woman below.