What Camping Equipment Just Saved Jessica Robertson’s Day?
on Aug 15, 2016 • Updated Mar 06, 2023

As a working mom of 5, Jessica Robertson has a lot to do in the morning!
She has to get her five children, aged 11 months, 7, 10, 12, and 13, geared up for the day, not to mention getting herself ready!
Lately, she’s had a lot on her hands with launching her own jewelry line at Dillard’s and having a baby in the house again, but she’s managed to keep it together pretty well!
Sometimes, not everything goes as planned and she has to think on her feet. Over the weekend, she was getting ready to leave the house when “desperate times call for desperate measures.”
Robertson’s hair dryer went out and she had a head full of sopping wet hair! She turned to a piece of camping equipment to get her out of the crisis.
She shared a photo of herself drying her hair with an electric air pump used for inflating air beds.
Would you have thought of that?