Duck Dynasty’s Jep Robertson Makes Huge Change In Appearance
on May 01, 2017

Since Duck Dynasty graced our television screens in 2012, it became a huge phenomenon. People all over the country donned fake beards, bandanas, and camouflage to look like their favorite Robertson family member.
The Robertsons would always grow their beards out for duck hunting season, but because of the show, they had to keep the beards full-time. Each of their wives felt differently about the long hair and beard, with Missy (Jase’s wife) being extremely vocal about hating it.
Korie (Willie’s wife) doesn’t mind the beard, while Jessica (Jep’s wife) absolutely loves the beard. One thing she could do without, though, is his long hair.
Since the show ended in March 2017, the question on everyone’s mind is who will be the first to shave or cut their hair, and we now have our answer – Jep!
During a Facebook Live video, Jessica filmed her husband of 15 years getting his hair cut.
“We’re gonna chop off Jep’s long locks, ” Jessica said in the video.
Jep’s hairdresser trimmed and cleaned up his beard and chopped off a lot of his long, black hair. He had a little bit of it in a bun on the top of his head, which he is keeping, but they shaved the sides down to almost nothing! As Jessica says, Jep is going for a “Viking” hairstyle.
Check it out below!
(Credit: Instagram/JessicaDuckWife)
Check out the Facebook video below to see the end result!