Eddie & Troy Pull Epic Prank…And They Cant Stop Laughing

There’s one in every crowd for sure, but in this case – there might be two!

Eddie Montgomery and Troy Gentry are known for their rocking tributes to Southern pride and patriotic powerhouse hits, but something they’re also known for, is their never-ending sense of humor. 

The boys of Montgomery Gentry are often out on the road with their band and find themselves with down time during stops, every now and again. Well, this time, it appears they found a way to fill the time – at one of their band member’s expense! 

Poor Bo is sleeping on the tour bus when Eddie and Troy get the wild idea to scare the living daylights out of him! 

The whole prank takes all but 10 seconds, but for the entire duration of the rest of the video Eddie and Troy are laughing uncontrollably, with Troy doubled over! 

They say laughter is contagious, and this video is living proof of that.

Watch the whole prank and hysterical fit of laugher below!