Fearless Bullfighter Backflips Over Angry Bull
on Mar 28, 2017 • Updated Aug 14, 2019

This is one brave bullfighter! Facing off against a blood-thirsty bull – a fearless rodeo clown by the name of Dusty Tuckness back flipped over the four-legged beast during a Colorado rodeo.
While most would run screaming at the site of a large bull charging towards them at full speed, this brave fighter laughed in the face of danger. When the bull came exceedingly close to Tuckness, the athlete impressively back flipped over the animal, successfully evading the bull.
“Come on Colorado, you don’t see that every day!” said the bewildered announcer.
The bull successfully taken on by Tuckness is a purebred Mexican fighting bull by the name of Ebola. This close call definitely will get your heart racing as Tuckness and Ebola square off.
If the goal of being a bullfighter is to get as close as possible to a bull without getting run over, then this guy just may be the best in the business.
Even after hundred of close-calls, Tuckness remains on the rodeo circuit and is even planning a few upcoming shows. He’s definitely one to keep an eye out for if he’s in your town!
And while it is strongly suggested that you “don’t try this at home,” you can watch everything go down in the video below!