After a gang of terrifying outlaws invade a small town in the wild west, world class violinist Lindsey Stirling and her crew of fierce cowgirls battle it out with the violent criminals in a musical face off.
The story begins when infamous bank robber Durango Black and his army of criminals ride into town on horseback, immediately taking down the town sheriff on their way to the bank. Upon realizing their town is unarmed, the ladies exit the bar where they work to defend their home against the thieves. Music taking the place of weapons, the talented musicians throw down before good inevitably conquers evil.
Stirling is a critically acclaimed violinist who went viral following a series of videos from her YouTube account drawing well-deserved attention from the media. In 2010, Stirling endured a successful run on Season 5 of America’s Got Talent, even making it all the way to the quarter-finals. The musician in known for creating visually stunning art pieces to coincide with her mind-blowing music compositions.
You can watch the wild west show down below.