Garth Brooks Crashes Justin Timberlake’s 2014 Show To Perform “Friends In Low Places”

Storming the Nashville stage, it wasn’t only the audience who got a surprise just days before Christmas!

In 2014, Justin Timberlake was playing to a massive crowd at Bridgestone Arena in Nashville when he got the surprise of a lifetime!

He strums the first line to Garth Brooks‘ supersonic hit single, “Friends In Low Places” and prods the audience with a couple of country-fried comments before jumping into a full-fledged performance of the song!

Just after the first chorus, Timberlake promptly stops and says “This just doesn’t feel right!” before welcoming Garth himself to the stage!

Rising from beneath the stage, Garth looks like he was there for a super fun and impromptu performance with Timberlake!

But we don’t think that Justin was expecting the duet to be as overwhelmingly amazing as it (obviously) was!

When they were done singing, Timberlake was so shocked and overcome with excitement that he collapsed!

Y’all will have to watch this incredible moment in music history in the video below!