Garth Brooks Gives Kids Searing Message That Even Adults Need To Be Reminded Of

Garth Brooks is definitely doing his part to teach our future generations! Brooks gave a performance on the beloved kids show Sesame Street and taught children a very important lesson about individuality and acceptance.

The song, titled “Two Different Kids”, tells a story of two boys with very different physical features. The song begins with, 

One day this kid saw another kid that he’d never seen before… He’s so different.” 

Brooks begins to sing of the difference between the two kids, making it apparent that the kid are both aware of the inconsistency in features, as it ultimately affects their ability to ask the other to play. 

Finally, amidst the question of who will approach who, one of the boys musters up a burst of courage and asks the other to join him in a game of dancing! The two are elated to finally have the opportunity at a friendship, despite any differences that may be seen. 

Although this skit was originally intended for children, it’s message is undeniably one that should be reiterated to adults in today’s world. As we have become so consumed by what makes us different from one another, or essentially better than another individual, we have lost the common ground that initially brought us together: feelings. No one wants to be excluded or identified for minute reasons that prove no connection to a person’s attitude or character.

It’s okay to be different. You don’t believe me? Well, then how about you let Garth tell ya!