Grandmas Attempt To Play Roomba Beer Pong

Beer pong is the go-to drinking game amongst college students across the nation, and now apparently amongst grandmothers as well.

Beer pong is a drinking game in which players throw a ping pong ball across the table aimed to land into a cup full of beer. When one team makes their shot into a cup then the opposing team must drink said cup in its entirety. The first team to eliminate every single cup on the opposing side is named champion and can advance to the next round. The game can be played in pairs as well as one against one.

A group of party-starting grandmothers got together for a good ole’ game of beer pong with an added twist. The iconic red solo cups were arranged atop a moving Roomba for a game changing level of difficulty.

“You can do it Dianne…No you can’t,” “That’s a little too far, kid,” “I got it in! Have a drink,” and “I think I’d rather play golf” are just a few highlights from the teams attempt at the household staple at just about ever fraternity house in America.

You can watch the video that will up the ante for how America consumes beer in the video below and be sure to let us know what you think!