Jase Robertson Spills The Beans On Why He First Agreed To Do ‘Duck Dynasty’
on Oct 11, 2016 • Updated Mar 08, 2023

Before the Robertsons from Duck Dynasty became some of the biggest TV stars in the world, they were just a God loving, duck hunting Louisiana family.
After over four years and ten seasons of the hit A&E show, Jase Robertson wants everyone to know that they are the same people they were before they became famous.
“All the people thought this would change us when (the show) first started, but it hasn’t changed us at all,” Robertson told the Burnett County Sentinel. “We were happy before the show, before we were famous. We were happy when we had nothing, so we worked hard and made our business successful and then, all of a sudden, this show came up and it was more viewed as a way to get our message out about our faith in Jesus and love for one another.”
Once they realized they had this outlet to get their message to millions of fans, that’s what kept them returning season after season.
“That’s been our fuel behind continuing to do that. I’ve never been caught up in fame or money. I’ve been real proud of my family,” he revealed. “We had a code word before we did the show that we would tell any family member if they started losing their priorities. I guess I’ll keep that secret.”
Apparently he couldn’t hold it in any longer, because he told the Sentinel reporter, Lori Callahan, the code word was “Remember the Alamo”, so they’d never forget where they came from. He also revealed no one has ever had to use the code word.
Of their fame, Robertson’s favorite part about it is being able to be on a family-friendly show that appeals to people of all ages, and giving them a reason to smile.
“I never knew how many kids in hospitals were looking for a family-friendly show to watch, you know, a lot of kids with cancer. Once a month, we have kids from all over the world come in and we have Duck Commander-Duck Dynasty Day. These kids, they want a distraction. They want something to take their attention off of what they’re having to go through and they can watch our show,” he said.
Watch some of his best Duck Dynasty moments below.