Jep And Jessica Robertson’s ‘Baby Gus’ Looks So Grown Up

In January 2016, Jep and Jessica Robertson announced they adopted a baby, who they named Jules Augustus Robertson, Gus for short.

In the same announcement, they revealed they had been filming a new reality show called Jep & Jessica: Growing the Dynasty. Although it only lasted one season, we got an inside look at their life adjusting to being a family of seven.

Thanks to social media, we were able to see some of Baby Gus’ milestones that were not shown on the show. Jessica shared with us the first time Gus went swimming, his first crawl, his first words, and his first steps.

Gus has grown up so much right before our eyes and he will be a toddler before we know it!

Jessica has recently shared several pictures of Gus looking so grown up! He is also walking with no assistance at all! See that video below.

It’s amazing to think that Gus has gone from this little baby:

To this little man!: