John Luke Robertson Hysterically Attempts To Learn A Different Language
on Jan 13, 2017

Whenever you travel to a country that speaks a foreign language, one normally tries to learn a few words to be able to get around. Occasionally, people go overboard with the studying and become extremely confident on the ability to speak the language, even though they’re terrible.
That is exactly what happened to Duck Dynasty star John Luke Robertson. He traveled to Uganda on a mission trip with his mom Korie, sister Sadie, wife Mary Kate, cousins Reed and Cole, Reed’s wife Brighton, and his aunt Missy.
“We’re in Uganda, and I think I’m doing pretty well at not looking like a tourist,”John Luke says in an interview.
Because of his appearance he definitely looks like a tourist, but he is trying to fit in by learning the language they speak, Swahili.
“I got this down,” he tells Reed on their way to meet the orphans they are going to be working with for the week.
The clip shows John Luke in a local village, attempting to make new friends, but after introducing himself correctly, he asks a woman, “Chicken, me and you?”
The subtitles translate what he is saying and at one point, they just read, “(Unintelligible)”. You know it’s bad when the subtitles don’t even know what you’re saying!
Watch the clip below to see how miserably he fails at speaking Swahili. It’s cringe-worthy!