Loretta Lynn & Siblings Sing On TV With Their Mother
on Aug 14, 2023

Loretta Lynn Comes From A Musical Family, Her Siblings & Mama All Sang Too
When Loretta Lynn and her siblings were young, their mother, Clara Webb Butcher, taught them all a song she learned in grammar school. It was called “The Great Titanic.”
In 1976, on the television series, Pop! Goes the Country, Loretta Lynn, her mother, and her siblings guest starred and performed that same song.
Y’all likely knew that Loretta’s sister, Crystal Gayle, is also a country singer. But you probably had no clue that the rest of her siblings, and her mama, were/are all singers too.
Loretta & Her Siblings Share Their Mother’s Musical Tradition On Pop! Goes The Country
When host Ralph Emery introduced the family, he spoke to Loretta’s mother, Clara. He asked about her singing career. She used to sing and dance. Loretta commented that her mother was a better singer than she was.
Ralph then introduced the performance. He told the audience the family was going to sing something Clara taught them when they were young. Ralph addressed Clara, saying:
“There’s a little song that I understand that you taught each child as he or she would come along, about an old boat, a old ship that went down in 1912, the great Titanic.“
Loretta Lynn Joins Siblings & Mother In Special Collaborative Performance
The Webb siblings then joined their mother in a beautiful rendition of their family song, “The Great Titanic.” Loretta led the family throughout the performance.
It is pretty clear that the Webb family was one talented group of people. Clara clearly taught them well, and instilled a love for music in her kids’ hearts.
Check out the video below to see Loretta, her siblings and mother, singing “The Great Titanic.” Y’all will be glad you took the time to give it a listen.