Luke Bryan Names Something That Grosses Him Out
on Jun 23, 2016 • Updated Mar 30, 2023

The Drinks That Luke Digs
Like any good country boy, Luke Bryan enjoys a nice cold one every now and then. That is, when he’s not busy keeping up with his packed schedule.
Back in 2016 Bryan joined the hosts of the TODAY show to help co-host the popular television program. During his time on the show, Bryan talked about everything from his life on the road to how he takes his morning coffee (he likes half & half with two sugars).
Another topic Bryan discussed was his favorite alcoholic beverage. The topic was brought up because the hosts and Bryan had tall glasses of beer in front of them. After a quick toast, the hosts were curious to know if Bryan’s drink of choice is beer.
A Surprising Confession
While Bryan said he does enjoy beer, he admitted that he doesn’t really have a favorite drink. “I go through all phases,” he said.
Except, there is one drink that Bryan absolutely can’t stand. In fact, just mentioning the drink made Bryan’s face wrinkle up in disgust.
“Except Scotch, it’s a little weird,” he said. But he did mention that he once went to a Scotch bar when he was in Scotland and “had a blast.”
Besides sharing his dislike for Scotch, Bryan also talked about how he surprised a massive crowd in Ohio over the weekend when he announced the Cleveland Cavaliers had won the NBA championship.
You can watch Bryan’s full TODAY interview in the video below. Were you surprised to hear what his least favorite drink is?