Man Sounds Exactly Like Garth Brooks When He Sings An Iconic Country Hit

Ian Ambrose Maika YouTube Channel

Without a doubt, Garth Brooks has one of most recognizable voices in all of country music. So imagine how blown away we were when we came across a singer who sounds a whole lot like him.  

From Pembroke, Ontario, Ian Maika loves playing guitar and singing country music. He shares his cover videos online, and has drawn a few comparisons to Brooks in the process. In fact, Maika sounds so much like Brooks that if you look away from the screen and just listen, you’d swear it was actually Brooks singing.

Maika decided to show us all what it would sound like if Brooks were to cover a Keith Whitley classic. The song he picked to cover is one of Whitley’s most beloved hits, his 1988 single “Don’t Close Your Eyes.”

“Don’t Close Your Eyes” hit number one on the U.S. Hot Country Songs chart following its release, and also peaked at the second spot on the Canadian county chart. The hit was so big in the U.S. that Billboard named it as the number one country single for the entire year of 1988.

We’re used to hearing Whitley’s soft, whisper-like voice on the track, though many others have offered their take on the tune. However, Maika’s version has to be the most unique, since it seriously sounds like Brooks singing Whitley’s hit song.

With his acoustic guitar in hand, Maika delivered a passionate performance of “Don’t Close Your Eyes.” His voice is as country as it gets, and is the perfect fit for the song as a result. We’re not kidding folks, if you played this video and left the room, you would swear up and down that Brooks was the one singing!

Now it’s time for you to see and hear exactly what we’re talking about. Tune in below to watch Maika’s impressive cover of “Don’t Close Your Eyes.” He’s got a real gift, that’s for sure!

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