Master Craftsmen Builds Ford Truck Entirely Out Of Wood
on Aug 09, 2017 • Updated Jan 03, 2020

This may just be the best woodworking project we’ve ever seen!
One talented craftsman named Al Schoffelman decided to combine his passion for woodwork and Ford trucks, and came up with an incredible, yet crazy, idea.
At a car show, a radio DJ from the popular South Dakota-based Under The Hood Show named Russ, and his wife came across a 1979 Ford truck made entirely out of wood, and it ran! He filmed a video of it, and it took off like wildfire on Facebook.
After the video below went completely viral in 2016, Schoffelman stopped by Russ’s studio to answer some questions. The original video now has over 28 million views, and we’re not surprised why!
If you have’t seen in before, we’re sure you have never seen anything like this before.
Of course, Russ and his co-hosts Shannon and Chris first wanted to know how Schoffelman came up with the idea!
“I was at a car show and there was a gentleman parked next to me who had a…Ford with a flat box on it and lumber on the sides,” he explained. “I thought to myself I would’ve done it a little bit different. That was about 10 years ago and it more or less snowballed into, ‘Look what this goofball can do’.”
He explained that he first displayed it at a car show in 2014, then a few more a year later, and now shows it off regularly.
Watch his magnificent creation, made of entirely red oak, in the video below. If you’d like to watch the Under the Hood Show‘s interview with Schoffelman, click here.