Sadie Robertson Reveals The ‘Shocking Things’ She’s Been Told About Her Body

At just 20 years old, Duck Dynasty star Sadie Robertson is already building an empire for herself. Thanks to the success of her family’s reality show, she was able to gain the love of her millions of fans, who have followed her through every business venture.

Her celebrity status only went up after she appeared on the 19th season of Dancing With The Stars, and from there, she started designing a clothing line with Wild Blue Denim, and took her speaking engagements to a whole new level with a month-long tour.

Now gearing up for her second annual Live Original Tour, Robertson is speaking out about a situation that got her down, but instead of dwelling on it, using her faith to move past it and continue to inspire others.

On her social media channels, Robertson told a story about a certain photoshoot she was a part of a few months ago. She showed up thinking it was a natural, no makeup shoot.

The director of the shoot took a quick look at me and said, ‘Nope this girl does not have the face to pull off a no makeup shoot,'” she wrote. “So they proceeded to spend around 2 hours making it look as though I had no makeup on. Let’s be real I did NOT wake up like that.

Because of her Wild Blue Denim line, working with fashion designer Sherri Hill, and so many of her other projects, she has been on set of countless photoshoots where she says she has been the victim of some not-so-nice comments. 

“I have never thought of myself as a model, but getting to dip my toes a little in this industry I’ve heard shocking things, had my stomach ‘fat’ pinched to make sure I knew which part I needed to get rid of. I’ve been told if I would loose 10 pounds then I may look like an actual model, yet all the while I just smile, laugh, eat and dance my way through the shoots.

Instead of conforming to these directors’ wishes, or feeling bad about the so-called fat they pinched, she continues to smile because she knows her “identity does not lie in [her] looks“.

“My identity lies within the hands of my God who I believe created me to be fearfully and wonderfully made,” she said. “I believe EVERYONE has the face to pull off a ‘no makeup shoot’ because that is YOUR FACE. The makeup is the extra. It’s fun, but when it becomes your everything that’s when you begin to loose everything about what makes you… YOU. My friend and I went out at sunrise yesterday to remind ourselves of real beauty and went without makeup. The beauty surrounded us, and was flowing from within into our conversations.”

She challenged her followers to “pursue the essence of beauty within you today, and ask yourself where your identity lies.”

She also included a stunning photo of her with no makeup to prove that everyone has a “no makeup face.” See the full post below.